Kuopio, Finland
Materials: Stainless steel,
Size: Width 2meters, Height 6meters.
Interactive steel sculpture that locates on the fence of Niirala school in Kuopio.
Playing children can pull string and blink the eye of Barnowl to people passing by.


Materials: raku ceramic, tiffany glass, blown and casted glass and steel
Comission to Central Hospital of Vaasa, Finland
The subject of the work Exuvia is a biological event: when a damselfly has climbed out from its exuvia and has set its wings to dry on wind. The species represented by the sculpture is the Common Bluet, whose habitat is sea and lake bays.
Sculpture's radical change of scale emphasis the importance of small local species. It contains a lot of detailed handicraft which brings the monumental size back again to scale of humans finger.
The transformation represented in the Exuvia contains strong symbolism of empowerment and resilience. It's also one of the tiny miracles happening around our everyday life.


Materials: Stainless steel, concrete, stainless steel wire.
Size: Width 12meters, Height 6meters.
Interactive monument. The railings on the upper level have bass strings that can be played.
The monument was commissioned by the city of Pori to honor Jyrki Kangas, a versatile influencer in cultural life, who was one of the founders of Pori Jazz and worked as the artistic director of the festival for a long time.
Monument is inspired of Jyrki Kangas being a great visionary and his way of fly in his ideas as well as the state of flow created in jazz musicians' jams. The wings and the sound world they produce refer to Jyrki’s own instrument, the double bass.


Photograph: Juha Åman
15 meters long and 3,5 meters high fish shape that has a cathedral-like space to step inside. The sculpture is commissioned by city of Tornio for the anniversary of Tornio turning 400 years old. Location of this site specific sculpture is by the Tornio River. In spring time when water level is rising spring-stream is surrounding the sculpture.
Material: Stainless steel pipes.
Locates in Tornio, Finland.

Photograph: Juha Åman
Photograph: Juha Åman

Photograph: Juha Åman

Material: Stainless steel
Size: 9 meters, length 5meter, width 1meter.
The monument was commissioned by Arctic Resort Kakslauttanen. Pipe construction forms majestic reindeer that seems to be sniffing the air and almost howling. Reindeer can be seen as a symbol of people surviving in North through all the seasons in harmony with the nature.

Model 1:11 stainless steel

Sculptural installation of nine individual five meter long fish shapes. Stainless steel pipes are used as material which are conjoined by welding. Entirety contains more than 10 000 pipes. The Art work won Finlands State Art commission's completion of site specific art piece for the square in front of Lappenranta Police Department. Vendace is typical lake fish and local delight.

Raku ceramic, wrought iron and steel sculpture is inspired by damselflies that are mating. Sculpture is raising from indoor water fountain surrounded by staircase. The ceramic floor and wrought iron fence around staircase is also designed by Pekka and Teija Isorättyä. The entirety was commissioned by Kakslauttanen Artic Resort for the Planetarium Restaurant. The design and the sculpture lure to thought play of matter of scale and beginning of life where circles and spheres multiplies.

Material: Blownglass, casted glass, steel
Glass work : Mafka & Alakoski Studio

Interstellar Wall -glass relief has constructed of circa 500 glass pieces, individually casted or blown. It weights close to 5 tons. The ice in the winter landscape resembles the organic casted glass surface. The ice transports the thoughts to the coldness of outer space, but on the other hand, the warm glowing glass colors hint at the heat and light radiated by the stars. The raw material for glassmaking is stone, which burns with glowing heat. A ball growing in a glassblower's pipe is like the birth of a planet in miniature scale.


Comissioned by: Arctic Resort Kakslauttanen Oy
Architectural design: Pekka & Teija Isorättyä
Principal design and structural design (concrete structures): Matti Vaarala Oy
Structural design and detailing (steel structures and facade): Sweco Rakennetekniikka oy
Steel contractor: Kalajoen Teollisuusrakenne oy
The glass shape is about 800m2 large. It consists of 491 heated glass panels, all of which have unique shapes. The design is inspired of trouts swimming in the Kultaoja stream.



Public sculpture in Tornio, Finland.
Material: Stainless steel, Steel objects, glass.
Honorates marginal art phenomenons from Tornio: Terveet Kädet 1980-2015 and Priest of Chalk land 1830-1885.
Size 9 x 2 x 2 meters.