Photograph: Petri Virtanen/Kiasma

Photograph: Juha Åman

Photograph: Pirje Mykkänen
Photograph: Pirje Mykkänen
Photograph: Juha Åman
Kinetic Installation. Material: surgical instruments, acrylic glass, electronics, flowers.
Build originally for Ars Fennica 2017 Exhibition in Kiasma.
Nature Morte 3 min, YouTube

2016 - 2022
Electromechanic installation.
Material: IV lines 1224 pcs, hoses, waterpumps, metal.
Size of one flower height: 4 meters; lenght: 5 meters; width: 5meters.
The IV lines used as the material for the piece come from eight-year-old Lilja Widenius. Lilja has a rare disease: her body cannot break down fats, which is why she cannot tolerate being without nutritional intake. Part of the treatment for this condition is a nightly IV drip. At night, when Lilja is going to bed, her parents connect an IV line to a small port placed in her abdomen. This ensures that Lilja gets the nutrients she needs while she sleeps. In the morning, her parents clean the disposable plastic line and store it as material for artwork. This treatment will continue throughout Lilja’s growing years. With the treatment, Lilja is a healthy and happy girl. The disease and its treatment were discovered some twenty years ago, before which it invariably resulted in the child's death.
We will expand the Lilja’s Garden work as more IV lines used by Lilja are collected. Water flows through them like the water veins in plants that are also part of their communication system. As artists, we find the story of Lilja and her family to be a powerful metaphor for the well of strength that people, often unconsciously, draw from to maintain their mental well-being. The significance of this mental resilience is particularly highlighted in unforeseen and difficult situations that challenge people's habits and thoughts.


Photograph: Raúl Pérez Mejía
Electromechanical sculpture installation.
Materials: Pig skins, motors, electronics, wire, bicycle wheels.
Size: variable.

Photograph: Raúl Pérez Mejía

Photographs: Ville Mäkilä/Turun Museokeskus
Playful artwork that features three robots getting wasted at a bar.
Two of them talk shit to each other, and the third one recites poetry.
Robotized sculptures, mixed media; Open source; Veke & Tortsua eyemechamisms and Tortsua mouth
mechanismopen source 3Dprinting & engineering: Nilheim mechatronics/ Will Cogley,
Script and realization of robots voice ( Marina): Marina de Its,
Script and realization of robots voice ( Veke & Tortsua): Samuli Pörhölä,
Programming: Jaakko Niska.

Photographs: Marko Kiminki

Photograph:Ex Teresa Arte Actual/ Beatriz Garduño

Photograph: Tania Gomezdaza
Interactive kinetic installation. Marionettes are made out of animal bones are set to hysteric dance by playing the Hammond organ.
Material: Animal bones, motors, relays, lights, beer bottles, bicycle wheels.
Size: variable.

Photograph:Ex Teresa Arte Actual/ Beatriz Garduño

Photograph: Tania Gomezdaza